"Life is half spent before we know what it is." This quote by George Herbert, I found to be very meaningful. We go through life daily, doing what we need to do. Sometimes taking those around us for granteed. Than one day you realize half your life is over and you wish you could do it over again.
I would have made better choices. I would have noticed things more. I would have spent more time with those I was "to busy" to see. I realized this quite some time ago when I was going from elementary school, to high school, to graduation, to moving out on my own. Each step I took was ending one part of my life and beginning another.
Before I knew it, my sister was having babies, I moved out and was living with my boyfriend, and my grandparents were too old to take long walks with the entire family like they use to. My oldest niece just started kindergarden. Soon I will be watching her go into high school, graduate, and move out on her own. Wow, life does pass you by quickly, and it's a scary thought.
Life does pass far too quickly, doesn't it?